Counseling Services


Attorney Counseling

Are you grappling with a heavy caseload, trying to meet challenging client expectations, or struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance? These hurdles are all too familiar for attorneys. Let's explore counseling to overcome these obstacles and ensure your practice and life thrives.


Counseling for
Children & Families

Parenting is truly the toughest job. You may be experiencing any or all of these challenges:

  • Behavioral issues such as tantrums, defiance, or aggression.

  • Frequent misunderstandings, conflicts, or difficulties in expressing emotions, leading to frustration and tension within the parent-child relationship.

  • Academic pressures, social conflicts, or family changes, which may impact their child's mental health and overall happiness.


Counseling for Anxiety

If you are someone struggling with anxiety, some of the difficulties may include:

  • Overwhelming Worry-Anxiety sufferers often experience relentless, uncontrollable worry about various aspects of their lives, from work and relationships to health and finances.

  • Physical Symptoms -Anxiety manifests physically, with symptoms like rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, and shortness of breath, which can intensify during panic attacks.

  • Impaired Functioning- Anxiety can impair daily functioning, interfering with work, relationships, and social activities, leading to feelings of isolation, frustration, and a diminished quality of life.


Counseling Modalities

We offer many diverse evidence-based modalities. Here are few your therapist may include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)-Targets negative thought patterns and behaviors, fostering coping mechanisms and restructuring cognitive distortions.

  • Exposure Therapy-Gradually exposes individuals to feared situations or objects, aiding in desensitizing anxiety responses.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)- Helps process traumatic experiences by using bilateral stimulation to alleviate distress and reframe negative beliefs.